Many of our members get involved in Water and Draught events organised by the three breed clubs up and down the country, and whilst the main activity is the certified tests, it is a great opportunity to socialise with other Newfoundland owners nationally. SEWN normally hosts a draught test for the Southern Newfoundland Club at East Mersea in March each year. See the calendar on their website for details, www.southernnewfoundlandclub.co.uk/calendar There are also events organised by the Working Newfoundland Club, who run ‘fun’ tests in the four disciplines of water, draught, obedience and nosework.
SEWN as a group organise a waterwork demonstration at the Blackwater Show, Maldon in June each year; we attend Essex Outdoor Mersea for the Mersea Island Festival each August where we give the children and young people, who often have physical and learning disabilities, a chance to be ‘rescued’ by one of our gentle giants – often the highlight of their stay! www.merseafestival.org.uk for more information about the festival. We also arrange a group New Year’s Day walk at a convenient country park. Other one-off events take place too throughout the year.